Sailing Trophies

2013 marked the 50th anniversary of the first California Cup Regatta. While the competition has taken many forms over the years, there is on common thread for each event - those competing for CYC's most prestigious trophy represent the best there is in West Coast Sailing.
The competition for this prestigious trophy is unique in the world of sailing. The event may be staged at any time of year as either a match race or a fleet race, or the club reserves the right to invite any type of boat they feel is significant.
In 1963, Walt Podolak's 10-Meter Coquille won the first running of the event in a match race. The next year, Don Gumpertz's Tangent was victorious over a fleet of other Cal 40s. Over the years there have been some very interesting match-ups. In 1965, John Kilroy's ketch-rigged maxi Kialoa II match raced former America's Cup winner Columbia, and in '71 Robert Lynch's beautiful 82-foot M-boat Sirius II defeated maxis Kialoa II and Grey Beard. This premier event has mirrored sailing in Southern California. The emphasis has been on big boats: maxis, 12-Meters and Sleds, but there have also been popular smaller classes such as the Cal 40s and Six-Meters.
Two-time winner Ragtime beat both the 12-Meter Newsboy and the maxi Windward Passage to have her name engraved on the ornate silver cup. A few years later Passage earned her right to have a half model mounted on the Cal Cup wall at the club by defeating Kialoa III. Long-time rivals Drifter and Merlin met in '78 and '79, with Drifter winning both matches. Sailing the 12-Meter Enterprise, Malin Burnham beat Dennis Conner aboard Freedom to take the prize in 1980 and St. Francis VII and VIII added to the Northern California club's long list of Six-Meter victories with wins in '81 and '83. In 1984, when George Coumantaros' maxi Boomerang was tearing up the IOR scene, she outsailed Kialoa IV in the final match while Sorcery and Ondine sailed for third place honors.
In 1985, the new ULDB 70s raters were invited to try close course buoy racing with Cal Cup as the prize. No longer were the sleds just for off-the-wind long distance racing. Cal Cup competition affected sled design with deck layouts evolving to match the demands of around the buoys racing. The sleds dominated Cal Cup for many years with as many as 15 entries on the line during the heyday of the sled class. 20 man crews took over the club during the three-day event. The sled era brought champions like Blondie, Evolution, Silver Bullet and Pyewacket.
In 1995, CYC invited the new and popular Melges 24 Class to compete for more than just the Cal Cup. Invitations were sent to the top sailors in North America with prize money for the champions. Dave Ullman was the first Melges 24 Cal Cup champion followed by Joe Londrigan. The sleds returned in '97 and '98 with CYC's own Evolution owned by Brack Duker winning both races (his third, the boats fourth).
The regatta was not held again until 2001, when the International Farr 40 Class was invited to their first California Cup regatta. The class continued to compete for the title through 2004. Following a two year hiatus, the sleds returned to vie for the Cup in 2007. In 2010, Brack Duker returned to defend his title in this storied class to win an unprecedented sixth Cal Cup on his boat, Holua.
Past California Cup Winners
2021 | Surge | J/70 | Ryan McKillen, Coral Reef YC | Fleet Races |
2018 | Interlodge VI | Pac 52 | Austin and Gwen Fragomen, NYYC | Fleet Races |
2016 | Pyewacket | Andrews 70 | Roy Disney, CYC | Fleet Races |
2015 | Enfant Terrible | Farr 40 | Alberto Rossi NYYC | Fleet Races |
2014 | Plenty | Farr 40 | Alex Roepers NYYC | Fleet Races |
2013 | Pyewacket Viva La Vida | Andrews 70 Farr 40 | Roy Disney, CYC Jeff Stew/Bill Durant, LBYC | Fleet Races |
2012 | Taxi Dancer | R/P 70 | Yabsley/Parker/Compton, SBYC | Fleet Races |
2011 | Holua | SC 70 | Brack Duker, CYC | Fleet Races |
2010 | Holua | SC 70 | Brack Duker, CYC | Fleet Races |
2009 | Holua | SC 70 | Brack Duker, CYC | Fleet Races |
2008 | Holua | SC 70 | Brack Duker, CYC | Fleet Races |
2007 | Grand Illusion | SC 70 | Ed McDowell, KHYC | Fleet Races |
2004 | Samba Pa Ti | Farr 40 | John Kilroy Jr./CYC | Fleet Races |
2003 | Shadow | Farr 40 | Peter Stoneberg / St.FYC | Fleet Races |
2002 | Barking Mad | Farr 40 | James Richardson / NYYC | Fleet Races |
2001 | Crocodile Rock | Farr 40 | A. Geremia & S. Harris / SBYC | Fleet Races |
1998 | Evolution | SC 70 | B. Duker / CYC | Fleet Races |
1997 | Evolution | SC 70 | B. Duker / CYC | Fleet Races |
1996 | USA 9 | Melges 24 | J. Londrigan / SDYC | Fleet Races |
1995 | USA 3 | Melges 24 | D. Ullman / BYC | Fleet Races |
1994 | Pyewacket | SC 70 | R. Disney / CYC | Fleet Races |
1993 | Silver Bullett | SC 70 | J. DeLaura / LAYC | Fleet Races |
1992 | Alchemy | Dencho 70 | D.&M. Compton / SBYC | Fleet Races |
1991 | Evolution | SC 70 | B. Duker / CYC | Fleet Races |
1990 | Evolution | SC 70 | B. Doughty / CYC | Fleet Races |
1989 | Chance | SC 70 | R. McNulty / LAYC | Fleet Races |
1988 | Blondie | SC 70 | P. Farrah / LBYC | Fleet Races |
1987 | Citius | SC 70 | B. Wilson / LAYC | Fleet Races |
1986 | Blondie | SC 70 | P. Farrah / LBYC | Fleet Races |
1985 | Katmandu | SC 70 | J. Landon / SDYC | Fleet Races |
1984 | Boomerang | 80 Sloop | G. Coumantaros / NYYC | Kialoa IV |
1983 | St. Francis VIII | 6-Meter | P. Cayard / St.FYC | California I |
1982 | Condor | 80' Sloop | R. Bell / RBYC | Kialoa IV |
1981 | St. Francis VII | 6-Meter | J. Bertrand / St.FYC | Ranger |
1980 | Enterprise | 12-Meter | M. Burnham / SDYC | Freedom |
1979 | Drifter | 69' Sloop | H. Moloscho / LBYC | Merlin |
1978 | Drifter | 69' Sloop | H. Moloscho / LBYC | Merlin |
1977 | Windward | 73' Sloop | M.& F. Johnson / LYC | Kialoa III |
1976 | Balleyhoo | 73' Sloop | J. Rooklyn / Australia | Kialoa III |
1975 | Sorcery | 61' Sloop | J. Wood / CYC | Joli |
1974 | Ragtime | 62' Sloop | Miller, Pasquini , White / LBYC | Windward Passage |
1973 | Ragtime | 62' Sloop | Miller, Pasquini , White / LBYC | Newsboy |
1972 | Bright Star | Ericson 46 | B. Ficker / NHYC | Robin West |
1971 | Sirius II | 82' Cutter | R. Lynch / NHYC | Kialoa II |
1970 | Columbia | 12-Meter | P. Dougan / BCYC | Endless Summer |
1969 | Blackfin | 73' Ketch | K. DeMeuse / St.FYC | Windward Passage |
1968 | Gem | Columbia 50 | C. Hathaway / CYC | Cygnus |
1967 | Stormvogel | 73' Ketch | C. Bruynzeel / RDYC | Kialoa II |
1966 | Chubasco | 67' Yawl | D. Haskell / NHYC | Narrangansett |
1965 | Kialoa II | 73' Ketch | J. Kilroy / CYC | Columbia |
1964 | Tangent | Cal 40 | D. Gumpertz / CBYC | Fleet Races |
1963 | Couquille | 10-Meter | W. Podalack / CBYC | Sirius |
Thomas K. Armstrong California Challenge Trophy
Dedicated By Staff Commodore Thomas K. Armstrong
This trophy was originally presented to the California Yacht Club in 1985. The original Deed of Gift was intended to promote team competition between yacht clubs in Santa Monica Bay. Each club was invited to bring their five best boats and crews and compete under a common handicap system. As the years passed, the number of boats per team was slowly reduced to three.
In 1991, the trophy was re-deeded to include teams from all over the State of California. This change immediately helped the regatta with San Diego Yacht Club breaking California Yacht Clubs six year reign on the trophy. The new format called for each club to compete in a Schock 35, a J-24 and two Lasers. This allowed the clubs to demonstrate their abilities in both large and small keelboats as well as dinghies. The addition of the Lasers frequently meant that juniors were included on the teams.
In April 2000 the Trophy was re-activated after sitting dormant for five years. The trophy is now awarded at Cal Race Week to the yacht club whose three boat team has the lowest combined score during the event, counting each boat's final class standing as one score. A yacht club may enter up to three teams with each team to consist of three boats from three different classes.
Past Winners
2024 | California YC |
J/109 - Blue Crush J/111 - Obsidian PH A - The Baby Screams |
Bob Little John Staff Jeff Janov |
2023 | Ventura YC |
J/24 - Jaded J70 - DJ PHRF B - Rival |
Deke Klatt Ryan Cox David Boatner |
2022 | Ventura YC |
J/24 - Jaded J70 - DJ PHRF B - Rival |
Deke Klatt Ryan Cox David Boatner |
2021 | California YC |
M242 - Wombat J70 - Groundhog Day PHRF B - Obsidian |
Steve Moses Rich Festa John Staff |
2020 | Regatta not held | ||
2019 | California YC |
M242 - Trolleycar J70 - Minor Threat PHRF C - Mistral |
Peter Stazicker Jeff Janov Dan McGanty |
2018 | California YC |
M242 - Trolleycar J70 - Minor Threat PHRF A - Margaritaville 1.5 |
Peter Stazicker Jeff Janov Jay Steinbeck |
2017 | California YC |
M242 - Trolleycar J70 - Minor Threat J80 - Avet |
Peter Stazicker Jeff Janov Curt Johnson |
2016 | California YC |
M242 - Trolleycar J70 - Minor Threat Viper 640 - V |
Peter Stazicker Jeff Janov Doug Johnstone |
2015 | California YC |
M242 - Trolleycar J70 - Minor Threat J109 - Grace O'Malley |
Peter Stazicker Jeff Janov Alice Leahey |
2014 | California YC |
Viper 640 - Team V J80 - Avet M242 - All In |
Doug Johnstone Curt Johnson Mike George |
2013 | California YC |
M242 - Dean J109 - Grace O'Malley RLC - Margaritaville 1.5 |
Duncan Cameron Alice Leahey Jay Steinbeck |
2012 | California YC |
M242 - Dean J109 - Grace O'Malley Open 5.7 - KOA |
Duncan Cameron Alice Leahey David Brown |
2011 | California YC |
M242 - Trolleycar J24 - Take Five J109 - Grace O'Malley |
Peter Stazicker Team Take Five Alice Leahey |
2010 | California YC |
Farr 40 - Piranha PHRF 4 - Ho'omele Martin 242 - Trolleycar |
Dave Voss Scott Tobin Petersen / Stazciker |
2009 | California YC |
Farr 40 - Dark Star J/80 - Avet Martin 242 - All In |
Jeff Janov Curt Johnson Mike George |
2008 | California YC |
Fast 40s - XL J/105 - Invisible Martin 242 - All In |
Antony Barran Jeff Janov Mike George |
2007 | Southwestern YC |
Fast 50s - Staghound Sportboat - Nemesis J/80 - Underdog |
Alec Oberschmidt Geoff Longenecker John Steen |
2006 | Long Beach YC |
Fast 50s - Peligroso Schock 35 - Whiplash J/80 - Blue Moon |
Campbell / Williams Ray Godwin Roland Fournier |
2005 | Long Beach YC |
J/109 - Current Obsession Schock 35 - Whiplash J/105 - Indigo 3 |
Gary Mozer Ray Godwin Scott Birnberg |
2004 | California YC |
PHRF B - Cuvee Caliente Schock 35 - Piranha Martin 242 - Strange Crew |
Mahaffey Family Dave Voss Hathaway / Leeds / Cate |
2002 | California YC |
PHRF A - Pendragon IV Schock 35 - Outlier Martin 242 - Evil Twin |
John MacLauren Schmidt / Gordon Leweck / McLean |
2001 | St. Francis YC |
PHRF 1 - Wasabi Farr 40 - Shadow Star - #7631 |
Dale Williams Peter Stoneberg Doug Smith |
2000 | Santa Barbara YC |
ULDB 70 - Alchemy Farr 40 - Crocodile Rock Volvo 1 - Impact |
D. & M. Compton Alexandra Geremia Melville / Kieding |
1994 |
California YC |
Schock 35 J-24 Laser Laser |
Dick Schmidt Alan Field Derek Simms Frank Glynn |
1993 | San Diego YC |
Schock 35 J-24 Laser Laser |
Scot Tempesta Rick Merriman Brian Camet Alex Camet |
1992 | California YC |
Schock 35 J-24 Laser Laser |
Bill Petersen Bob Little Steve Kelley Frank Glynn |
1991 | San Diego YC |
Schock 35 J-24 Laser Laser |
Scot Tempesta Chris Snow Randy Lake Craig Moss |
1990 | California YC |
Holy Guacamole Scooter Gremlin |
Bill Petersen Bill Herrschaft Jim Hammitt |
1989 | California YC |
Piranha Cowardly Lion Scooter Party Girl |
Dave Voss Dan Crowley Jim Hammitt Tom Leweck |
1988 | California YC |
Hit and Run Last Tango Rimfire Cowardly Lion Bacchanal |
Bill Herrschaft Jim Morris Steve Grillon Tom Leweck Ben Mitchell, Jr. |
1987 | California YC |
Bacchanal GU Raging Ros Rimfire Thumper |
Ben Mitchell, Jr. Bill Herrschaft Tom Leweck Steve Grillon Steve Hathaway |
1986 | California YC |
Last Tango Lizzie B Rimfire Thumper Tiburon |
Jim Morris Steve Hathaway Mark Green Bill Herrschaft Steve Curran |
1985 | California YC |
Pacific High Ghost Busters Fast Party Girl Rimfire |
Steve Hathaway Peter Isler Bill Petersen Tom Leweck Kimo Worthington |
Charles Tanner Trophy (PHRF Class Winners)
Fred F. Harris Trophy (One Design Class Winners)
Commodore's Trophy (One Design Overall)
Fred Harris Libation Cup (PHRF Overall)

This trophy dates back to 1929 when CYC member Owen Churchill competed for and won the trophy on many occasions. King Alphonse of Spain originally dedicated the trophy in 1928 to promote racing in the eight-meter class. Mr. Churchill, an Olympic Gold medalist had won the trophy six times in eight tries and playfully enforced his "ownership rights" by retiring the trophy. In 1968, Churchill was persuaded to bring the trophy back to CYC where it was re-dedicated for winners of various Olympic Classes competitions. In the late 1970's, the trophy was dedicated solely to the International Star Class as it remains today.
Past Winners
- 2024 - Eric Doyle / Payson Infelise
- 2023 - Eric Doyle / Payson Infelise
- 2022 - Eric Doyle / Payson Infelise
- 2021 - Erik Lidecis / Frank Dair
- 2019 - Eric Doyle / Brian O'Mahoney
- 2018 - Eric Doyle / Payson Infelise
- 2017 - Eric Doyle / Payson Infelise
- 2016 - Eric Doyle / Payson Infelise
- 2015 - Jim Buckingham / Austin Sperry
- 2014 - Jim Buckingham / Austin Sperry
- 2013 - Mark Renolds / Hal Haenel
- 2012 - Jim Buckingham / Austin Sperry
- 2011 – Mark Reynolds / Hal Haenel
- 2010 – Rod Hagebols / Phil Chadwick
- 2009 – Ben Mitchell / Hal Haenel
- 2008 – Andy MacDonald / Magnus Liljedahl
- 2007 – Andrew Horton / Brad Nichol
- 2006 – Frederick Loof
- 2005 – Eric Doyle / Chuck Beek
- 2004 – Eric Doyle
- 2003 – Erik Lidecis
- 2002 – Max Treacy / R. Anthony Shanks
- 2001 – George Szabo / Austin Sperry
- 2000 – Vince Brun / Brian Terhaar
- 1999 – Vince Brun / Rodrigo Meirelles
- 1998 – Eric Doyle / Brian Terhaar
- 1997 – J.A. MacCausland / Phil Trinter
- 1996 – Ben Mitchell / Bill Stump
- 1995 – Ben Mitchell / Bill Stump
- 1994 – Vince Brun / Mike Dorgan
- 1993 – Steve Gould / Hal Haenel
- 1992 – Vince Brun / Brian Ledbetter
- 1991 – Mark Reynolds / Hal Haenel
- 1990 – Barton Beek / Hugo Schirer
- 1989 – Steve Gould / Greg Siek
- 1988 – Jack Dollahite / Dietrich
- 1987 – Ben Mitchell / Bill Stump
- 1986 – Mark Reynolds / Hal Haenel
- 1985 – Vince Brun / Todd Cozzens
- 1984 – Henry Sprague / E. Bennett
- 1983 – Mark Reynolds
- 1982 – John Driscoll
- 1981 – Trigve Lijestrand
- 1980 – Trigve Lijestrand
- 1979 – Bob McNiel
- 1978 – Bengt Hellsten
- 1977 – Paul Burrard
- 1976 – Rick Taylor / Richard Loufek (Tornado)
- 1975 – R. Paul Allen
- 1974 – Cappy Sheeley
- 1973 – Timmothy Taylor (Tornado)
- 1972 – Harry G. Melges Jr. (Soling)
- 1971 – Robert Mosbacher (Soling)
- 1970 – Robert Andre (Finn)
- 1969 – Lowell North / Peter Barrett
- 1937 – Owen Churchill, Angelita
- 1935 – Owen Churchill, Angelita
- 1934 – Owen Churchill, Angelita
- 1932 – Owen Churchill, Angelita
- 1931 – Dan Merle-Smith, Thisbe
- 1930 – Lewis Luckenback, Marin
- 1929 – Owen Churchill, Babe

The King of the Hill Trophy is awarded to the winning boat in the annual King of the Hill race, an end-of-the-season championship race for the Sunset Series. The “best of the best” from each of the classes in the Racing Division are invited to compete in this inverted-start race. The intent is to pit the best sailors in each class against each other with the boat crossing the finish line first declared as the “King of the Hill” for that year.
This was a pre-existing trophy that in 2002 was re-dedicated to this end-of-the-season championship race for the Sunset Series.
Past Winners
- 2024 - The Baby Screams, Jeff Janov (CYC)
- 2023 - Margaritaville 1.5, Jay Steinbeck (CYC)
- 2022 - Margaritaville 1.5, Jay Steinbeck (CYC)
- 2021 - Margaritaville 1.5, Jay Steinbeck (CYC)
- 2019 - Margaritaville 1.5, Jay Steinbeck (CYC)
- 2018 - Margaritaville 1.5, Jay Steinbeck (CYC)
- 2017 - Margaritaville 1.5, Jay Steinbeck (CYC)
- 2016 - Margaritaville 1.5, Jay Steinbeck (CYC)
- 2015 - Margaritaville 1.5, Jay Steinbeck (CYC)
- 2014 - Margaritaville 1.5, Jay Steinbeck (CYC)
- 2013 – Plankton, John Staff (CYC)
- 2012 – All In, Michael George (CYC)
- 2011 – Margaritaville 1.5, Jay Steinbeck (CYC)
- 2010 – Dark Star, Jeff Janov (CYC)
- 2009 – Piranha, David Voss (CYC)
- 2008 – Piranha, David Voss (CYC)
- 2007 – Cuvee Caliente, Mahaffey Family (CYC)
- 2006 – Pendragon IV, John MacLaurin (CYC)
- 2005 – Bandit, Cheda, Thomas & Fleck (SCCYC)
- 2004 – Creeper, Curran Family (CYC)
- 2003 – Black Knight, Phil & Martin Friedman (DRYC)
- 2002 – Ghost II, Al Berg (SMWYC)
This trophy was donated to the California Yacht Club for the purpose of encouraging members to participate in the bi-annual Honolulu Race while flying the CYC burgee. The trophy is awarded to the California Yacht Club entry that has the best standing in the overall fleet.
The Transpacific Yacht Club hosts this 2,225 nautical mile race each odd-numbered year. The race starts off Pt. Fermin, California (just outside Los Angeles Harbor) and finishes between the Diamond Head lighthouse and a bell buoy off the shore of Oahu, Hawaii. The only mark of the course is the West end of Catalina.
Through the generosity of CYC management, this trophy was completely refurbished in June 2001, making it a timely tribute to the first CYC entry to place 1st Overall in the history of the club.
In 2009, this trophy was awarded to John Kilroy, Jr.'s TP 52 Samba Pa Ti, which not only posted the fastest corrected time for a CYC entry, but also finished first in class and first overall.
2023 | Lenny | Charles-Etienne Devanneaux | ||
2019 | A fond le Girafon | Charles-Etienne Devanneaux | Top finishing double-handed entry | |
2017 | Alicante | Matt Humphreys | ||
2009 | Samba Pa Ti | John Kilroy, Jr. | 1st Overall | |
2007 | Paddy Wagon | Richard & Jan Mainland | ||
2003 | Pendragon IV | John & Sue MacLaurin | ||
2001 | Bull | Seth Radow | 1st Overall | |
1999 | Cheval II | Hal Ward | ||
1997 | Stealth Chicken | Liz Hjorth | 3rd Overall | |
1995 | Cheval II | Hal Ward | 1st to Finish | |
1991 | Deception | Dave Meginnity | ||
1989 | Taxi Dancer | Mitchell Rouse | ||
1987 | Pyewacket | Roy Disney | ||
1985 | Majic | Vice Commodore Steve Curran and James Hokinson | ||
1983 | Apple Pie | Larry Schecter | ||
1981 | Night Train | Bob Crum | ||
1979 | Mamie | Milton Smith | ||
1977 | Solution | E. Benjamin Mitchell | ||
1975 | Mamie | Milton Smith | 2nd Overall | |
1973 | Mamie | Milton Smith | ||
1971 | Mamie | Milton Smith | ||
1969 | Mamie | Milton Smith | ||
1967 | Pirate II | Merritt Adamson | ||
1965 | Hanalei | Hays McLellan | 2nd Overall | |
1963 | Mamie | Milton Smith | ||
1947 | Southwind | George Brent | ||
1939 | Fandango | E.W. Pauley | ||
1936 | Zoe H. | R.K. Person | ||
1934 | Monsoon | D.H. Radcliffe | 3rd Overall | |
1926 | Poinsettia | Walter W. Horne | 2nd Overall | |
1923 | Spindrift | Eugene Overton |
With the winning of the prestigious St. Petersburg Yacht Club trophy for the 2005 Star Keane North American Championship, California Yacht Club became one of only a very few yacht clubs to be recognized three times for excellence in race management by US SAILING. General Chairman, Staff Commodore Alex Benson, Principal Race Officer, Staff Commodore Bill Stump, and 2005 Commodore Bill Petersen accepted the trophy at the the US SAILING General Meeting on behalf of the CYC membership. The duo of Benson and Stump had previously teamed up to win the St. Petersburg trophy in 2002 when CYC hosted the Star class for their World Championship.
The trophy, emblematic of "excellence in race management," was awarded originally by St. Petersburg Yacht Club in the late 1960s to recognize the yacht club which ran the best regatta. The trophy was retired for several years before being donated to US SAILING in 1977. Participating skippers and visiting race officials select the winner based on race management superiority. The trophy consists of a hand engraved scene of the start of a race with unique details which even show the signal flags on the race committee boat.
This award represents the true meaning of teamwork, as innumerable California Yacht Club members volunteered their time, talents and energies towards one common goal - ensuring the highest quality championship - both on and off the water.
CYC first won the St. Petersburg Trophy in 1996 for hosting the Schock 35 National Championship that was co-chaired by Staff Commodores Charlie Kelley and Dick Hampikian.
- 2008 Southwestern Yacht Club
- 2007 St. Petersburg Yacht Club
- 2006 Corpus Christi Yacht Club
- 2005 California Yacht Club - Star Keane North Americans
- 2004 Indian Harbor & Riverside Yacht Clubs
- 2003 Not Awarded
- 2002 California Yacht Club - Nautica 2002 Star Class World Championship
- 2001 Richmond (California) Yacht Club – Byte North Americans
- 2000 Beverly Yacht Club - 1999 Shields National Championship
- 1999 Lake Norman Yacht Club - Thistle National Championship
- 1998 Cedar Point Yacht Club - US Team Racing Championship for the Hinman Trophy
- 1997 Fort Worth Boat Club - 1996 J/22 World Championship
- 1996 California Yacht Club - Schock 35 National Championship
- 1995 Cleveland Yachting Club - 50th Annual Thistle National Championship
- 1994 Eastern Yacht Club - Star Class North Americans
- 1993 Windycrest Sailing Club - Catalina 22 National Championship
- 1992 Beverly Yacht Club - Shields National Championship
- 1991 Little Egg Harbor Yacht Club - 1990 E Scow Class Nationals
- 1990 Houston Yacht Club - 1989 Tornado World Championship
- 1989 Rochester Yacht Club - J/24 North Americans
- 1988 San Diego Yacht Club - Star and Soling Olympic Trials
- 1987 Bayview Yacht Club - Etchells 22 North Americans
- 1986 Corinthian Sailing Club - US Team Racing Championship for the Hinman Trophy
- 1985 Long Beach Yacht Club - US Match Racing Championship for the Prince of Wales Bowl
- 1984 Houston Yacht Club - Sunfish North Americans
- 1983 Waikiki Yacht Club - Pan Am Clipper Cup Series
- 1982 Beverly Yacht Club - Buzzards Bay Regatta
- 1981 Alamitos Bay Yacht Club - Snipe World Championship
- 1980 Long Beach Yacht Club - Race Week 1980
- 1979 Island Bay Yacht Club - Sunfish North Americans
- 1978 Little Egg Harbor Yacht Club - Champion of Champions
- 1969 Long Beach Yacht Club - Congressional Cup
- 1968 Alamitos Bay Yacht Club
- 1967 Royal Canadian Yacht Club
The Sunset Series dates back to 1932 when CYC was still located at it's original site in the Los Angeles Harbor area of Wilmington. At that time, CYC held a weekly regatta during the summer months and had a wide variety of boats entered, including smaller dinghies. In 1941, CYC's Wilmington clubhouse was taken over by the US Coast Guard and CYC became dormant; the original version of the Sunset Series came to an end.
In the early 1960's, CYC was reactivated and moved to its current location in Marina del Rey. The Sunset Series was quick to follow with the first race being conducted on a Thursday evening in the summer of 1964. Twenty-nine boats entered the first Sunset Series race that year. By the following year, the event had grown to over 80 entries representing 12 yacht clubs. In the late 1960's, the Sunset Series was moved from Thursday nights to Wednesday nights, where it remains today. 1967 marked the first year that spinnakers were allowed in the Sunset Series, though only outside of the Marina del Rey harbor – the same rule in effect today.
1976 marked another significant turning point in the history of the Sunset Series, the introduction of the Marylyn Ritchie Trophy which is awarded to the boat with the best record for the entire season. The trophy's namesake was a constant contributor to CYC and the Race Committee. Marylyn's powerboat Bobber II was frequently used as the RC boat.
Marylyn Ritchie Trophy

The Marylyn Ritchie Trophy is awarded annually to the boat with the best overall record in the Sunset Series. Points are awarded each week to every boat and the boat with the most points at the end of the series in September is the winner of the Marylyn Ritchie Trophy. Since 1997, this trophy has been awarded to the best boat in the Racing Division (handicap and one-design boats).
Past Winners
- 2024 - The Baby Screams, Jeff Janov
- 2023 - The Baby Screams, Jeff Janov
- 2022 - The Baby Screams, Jeff Janov
- 2021 - Avet, Curt Johnson
- 2019 - Avet, Curt Johnson
- 2018 - Avet, Curt Johnson
- 2017 - Scooter, Liz Hjorth
- 2016 - Avet, Curt Johnson
- 2015 - Scooter, Liz Hjorth
- 2014 - Avet, Curt Johnson
- 2013 – Lizzie B, Dick Hampikian
- 2012 – Lizzie B, Dick Hampikian
- 2011 – Lizzie B, Dick Hampikian
- 2010 – Lizzie B, Dick Hampikian
- 2009 – Lizzie B, Dick Hampikian
- 2008 – Lizzie B, Dick Hampikian
- 2007 – Lizzie B, Dick Hampikian
- 2006 – Lizzie B, Dick Hampikian
- 2005 – Clockwork, Marc Skipwith
- 2004 – Cuvee Caliente, Mahaffey Family
- 2003 – Lizzie B, Dick Hampikian
- 2002 – Raccoon Shack, Mahaffey Family
- 2001 – Bandit, Cheda/Thomas/Fleck
- 2000 – Bandit, Cheda/Thomas/Fleck
- 1999 – Ole Yeller, Lee Lewis
- 1998 – Margaritaville, Jay Steinbeck
- 1997 – Pendragon, Jay Steinbeck
- 1996 – Pendragon, Jay Steinbeck
- 1995 – White Knight, Philip Friedman
- 1994 – Arana, John Carroll
- 1993 – Top Sort, M. Russert / R. Landell
- 1992 – I'll Go, Don Preston
- 1991 – Blarney, Craig Yandow
- 1990 – Shenandoah, McCann / Tunks
- 1989 – Walrus, Blomquist / Stolnitz / Trippel
- 1988 – Gremlin, The Kelley Family
- 1987 – Thumper, S. Stolnitz / J. Morris
- 1986 – Avenger, M. Guccione / J. Peterka / B. Hall
- 1985 – Pacific High, Steve Hathaway
- 1984 – Wings, P. Isler / L. Shabes / W. Cogan
- 1983 – Shenandoah, O. McCann / R. Brown
- 1982 – Su-Dy IV, Lockton / Lockton / Hedlund
- 1981 – Orion, C. Lee / J. Stinson
- 1980 – Dead Earnest, Leweck Family
- 1979 – Su-Dy IV, A. Lockton III / A. Lockton IV
- 1978 – Lollipop, Tom Leweck
- 1977 – Sunny, John Simms
- 1976 – Woomera, Ken Young
Millard Rosing Trophy

The Millard Rosing Trophy is awarded annually to the boat in the Cruising Division with the best overall record in the Sunset Series. Points are awarded each week to every boat in the Cruising Division and the boat with the most points at the end of the series in September is the winner of the Millard Rosing Trophy.
Past Winners
- 2024 Squall, Gary Brockman
- 2023 Spirit of California, Chris Gorog
- 2022 Spirit of California, Chris Gorog
- 2021 Crossfire, Joe Cowan
- 2019 Rascal, Kathy St Amant and Monica Chaban
- 2018 Rascal, Kathy St Amant and Monica Chaban
- 2017 Superstar, Steve Zimmerman
- 2016 Duchess, Ron Jacobs
- 2015 Chutzpah, Andy Natker
- 2014 Superstar, Steve Zimmerman
- 2013 My Time, George Maronich
- 2012 Prometheus, George Biddle
- 2011 Prometheus, George Biddle
- 2010 Windsong, Joe Cowan
- 2009 Celerity, Moorhead/Bilson
- 2008 Cygnet, Scott Alyn
- 2007 Faire Warning, Mike Inmon
- 2006 Principessa, Diane Holm and Greg Daley
- 2005 Farr Gone, Rick Ruskin and Steve Button
- 2004 Faire Warning, MIke Inmon
- 2003 Grumpy Old Men
- 2002 Compromise
- 2001 Brian Harr
- 2000 Blue Norther, John Taylor
- 1999 Bass, John Rochford
- 1998 Duchess, Ron Jacobs
- 1997 Compromise III, Allan Elliot